New is Not a 4 Letter Word

Nineteenth Century French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr famously wrote (as popularly translated), “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  Without a doubt, life is changing all around us, and many people fear the new realities change brings and fail to make adjustments and embrace the wonderful opportunities those changes offer. An amazing … Read More

Updates to the Blog Format Next Week

Continual updates are the big story on the blog.  Earlier this week, I transferred the blog to a new host that will allow me more flexibility to give you more information and inspiration to help you in your walk with the Lord. The blog design is still a bit of a work in progress with … Read More

Why We Fail to Listen to God

While not everyone suffers with hearing loss, we all suffer from time to time with “listening loss.”  We fail to pay attention, we miss an important announcement, we disregard a warning siren and all of a sudden we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of an otherwise avoidable mess.  We need to make sure … Read More

New Features Roll Out This Week

Normally in the Monday slot you see the video from my sermon on the previous day, but today I want to use the space to tell you about some changes coming on the blog and why those changes are afoot. God has used Colossians 1:28-29 to cement in my heart what He wants to do … Read More

The Battle for Your Mind

The struggle is real, indeed! As believers, we have a very real enemy and he doesn’t play nice. Over the past two-weeks, I have encountered intense spiritual warfare raging in my mind and heart, and believe me, this was not my first rodeo with the devil. One of the biggest mistakes believers make is to … Read More

When Doing Right Brings Wrong

Have you ever noticed that when things seem to be going well that the prospect of something bad happening still looms over you? The old saying is that “every rose has its thorns.” That experience seems to be present in our spiritual walk as well. Whether in a personal Bible study, moving worship service, or … Read More

Beware of Kilogram Christianity

I have found a way to lose over 50% of my body weight immediately.  I don’t have to eat a special diet or engage in grueling exercise.  I don’t have to take pills, spend $500 on extremely small portioned meals mailed directly to my home, or spend hours in front of my TV working out … Read More

FBF Post: What Are You Staring At?

Before I began this blog, I had another blog on a different site for several years.  That blog is now closed, but each Friday, at least for a while, I want to resurrect some of my favorite posts from the previous blog.  This one is from May 2009. ———————————————————————————————— “It’s not nice to stare.” That … Read More

How Seriously Do You Take God’s Word?

I want to start off this week with a challenge to my readers to regularly and intentionally read and study God’s Word with the goal of allowing it to transform us into Jesus’ image. Consider the following verse fragment and its implications for our Bible study practice. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly… … Read More

Little Things Are Big Things

On September 11, 1995, a squirrel climbed on the Metro-North Railroad power lines near New York City. This set off an electrical surge, which weakened an overhead bracket. The loosened bracket allowed a wire to dangle toward the tracks, which tangled in a train. The train then tore down all the lines. As a result, 47,000 … Read More