Seating or Sending: What Do We Get Excited About?


Those who study crowd dynamics tell us that people are most comfortable sitting in a crowd that is between 60-80% of seating capacity.  Why would anyone decide to study such things as the optimal percentage of attendance to number of available seats?  Do you go to college to get a degree in seating?  I can hear someone how … Read More

The Best Crop to Cultivate In Your Heart


I planted a garden this year.  Even though I am 53 years old, I still like to play in the dirt. I like to cultivate things. It’s not a large garden by any means, but it’s mine. What Do You Cultivate? All of us try to grow something in our lives.  For some, it’s our … Read More

6 Prayers You Can Pray for Your Pastor

pray for your pastor

One of the perks of being a pastor is having people pray for you. Sometimes you even get to hear them pray for you. What a humbling experience. In every place where I have served as pastor I have enjoyed the blessing of prayer support. And I greatly appreciate it. I need the prayers, really, I do. If any pastor will be … Read More

Passion In the Right Direction

Our culture is not lacking passion these days, but passion is often misplaced.  We are passionate about our sports teams, our families, our jobs, and even about our hobbies.  We are passionate about politics and current events.  Yet, when it comes to things of God, we replace passion with either a robotic ritualism or general … Read More

Spiritual Warfare and the Prepared Mind

Much of both my personal study and my preaching lately have focused on spiritual warfare.  Whether or not we realize it or admit it, if we are Jesus-followers we face conflict on a spiritual level daily. Many people think of spiritual warfare in physical terms.  Some see physical illness, financial distress, or problems with material things … Read More

5 Questions that Probe Scripture More Deeply

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it enlightens and educates the person.  When we question, examine, and probe, we mine truth that is lying just beneath the surface of understanding. A casual reading of scripture may produce a smattering of “head knowledge” of Biblical content, but probing the Scripture yields truth that can change our … Read More

Are You Living a “Square” Life

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise… – Ephesians 5:15 “The unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates I’m no carpenter, but I’ve watched enough of these skilled artisans to know the importance of checking measurements and making sure lines are square and plumb. When building a wall, being … Read More

Jesus’ un-Common Core Math

A new approach to learning, called Common Core, is all the conversation in these parts of late. Plenty of people line up on either pro or con side of the learning method, and I have no intention of wasting precious blog space debating its effectiveness. One thing Andrea and I learned last night while helping … Read More

The Devil’s Up to his Old Tricks Again

I had the privilege Tuesday of attending a rally at the Georgia State Capital for former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran who was recently fired because of his Biblical beliefs. If you are not aware of the story, feel free to click here when you are finished reading the blog and you can catch up … Read More

Dollar Store Christianity

Because I like to save money where I can, I often find myself shopping at dollar stores. These stores provide “off brands” that are less expensive that the “name brands.” Unfortunately, some believers in Jesus display a dollar store spiritual life. They settle for something less than a real and vibrant walk with Him. They … Read More