Accountability or Legalism?

A recent conversation with a friend brought back a childhood church memory that I had all but forgotten – the Sunday school attendance card.  Each Sunday, we recorded how “faithful” we had been during the week in such matters as daily Bible reading, lesson study, giving an offering, and church worship attendance. Individuals and classes … Read More

Constant Practice for Spiritual Maturity

I hate doing the same things the same way all the time.  To me, “routine” is just a “rut” with added letters to disguise it.  The older I get, however, the more value I find in repetition and consistency. Sunday, as I watched the FSU Women’s softball team on TV, one of the commentators, Michele … Read More

Challenge #2 – What Do We Do With Worship?

I believe in the value of music in a believer’s life as I wrote in an earlier blog.  I strongly believe in the value of music in the corporate worship experience. I do believe, though, that we have made the music the central focus of worship.  How often have you heard people refer to the … Read More

The Dangerous Word of God

The Bible is a dangerous book.  It touches places in our lives no other medium can reach. It cuts through our public veneer and with pinpoint accuracy addresses deeply rooted heart issues. The Bible’s very words are the breath of God himself and its truths have the power to transform the messiest of lives.  Taken … Read More

Doubting God’s Word – The Oldest Trick in the Book

Watching the Ken Ham / Bill Nye Creationism debate tonight reinforced what I knew to be a fundamental issue in our society, and unfortunately even with our churches.  The great divide in culture is what one believes about the nature and authority of the Bible. Many times during the debate, Ham stood on his belief … Read More

How to Make Better Decisions – Part 2

So what practical help is available for making better decisions?  Consider this passage from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7 Jesus provided three clear steps we can follow that open up God’s wisdom for … Read More

A Case for Christian Apologetics

Today, November 22 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  The day was a very dark time in our nation’s history.  Many people still remember where they were when they first heard the tragic news. The day also marks the 50th anniversary of the death of a major contributor to … Read More

Book Review of Dr. Charles Stanley’s Latest Book

I recently experienced the blessing of reading Dr. Charles Stanley’s latest book Emotions: Confront the Lies, Conquer with Truth.  For years I have studied, taught, and preached about the ongoing battle between what we feel and what we know.  Dr. Stanley draws on a lifetime of personal study and pastoral ministry to provide an invaluable … Read More