Preparing to Stay Awake During Sunday’s Sermon

Out of respect, I’ll not name him.  But when I was a kid growing up in church, one of the men in our church fell asleep during the sermon almost every Sunday. He was so obvious because he sat in the back row of the choir, the highest point in the church.  He fell asleep … Read More

Priorities Set You Free to Live Intentionally

In the words of leadership mentor and author Jim Collins, “Good is the enemy of great.” Thom Rainer, president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources similarly states, “It is a sin to be good when God has called us to be great.” What one discipline keeps most people from realizing God’s best for their lives?  … Read More

God’s Purpose: A Makeover for You

Romans 8:28 is one of the most memorable Bible verses in the minds of many Jesus-followers.  It is a verse of great hope and inspiration in difficult times.  Whether good, bad, or worse, God causes all of our circumstances to work together for good.  Paul indicates God’s works in the lives of those who love … Read More

A Time for Gathering Stones

Pet rocks used to be all the rage. Like every little boy, I loved playing with rocks and sometimes would come home with several in my pocket.  As for pets, however, I was more of a dog or cat lover myself and never really cared to adopt a rock. A rock collection sounds about as … Read More

Throwing Stones Can Be a Good Thing

My sister tried to kill me when we were younger.  I was walking several feet in front of her as we made our way down a dirt road when she threw a HUGE rock and hit me squarely in the back of the head.  Blood gushed from my crushed skull, but after some deliberation, they … Read More

The Devil’s Age-Old Three-Area Attack

Either the devil is not very creative or he is extremely consistent. He has employed the same three-area attack since the beginning of time, and too often we give in to the temptation and sin. We can see his pattern in at least two Biblical examples. In observing those examples we can potentially better prepare … Read More

Procrastination: The Thief of Time

Edward Young famously wrote, “Procrastination is the thief of time.”  Every moment we waste in procrastination is a moment we can never retrieve.  It is time lost forever.  I believe that procrastination is the leading cause of most people never realizing their potential.  Most of the time, we put off doing things that would most benefit … Read More

Encouragement for Struggling Believers

I know a lot of people experiencing difficult circumstances in their lives.  For some of them, their current situation is the latest in what seems an endless stream of misfortune and heartbreak.  For others, the heartbreak is fresh, but painful nonetheless.  Christians are not immune to struggling, in fact, it seems we experience more than … Read More

7 Practices to Help You Meditate on Scripture

I enjoy a tasty meal.  In fact, I think I may enjoy tasty meals too much.  God wonderfully designed our bodies to break down and use the nutrients in the food we eat to sustain our bodies and give us energy.  Before our bodies can use that tasty meal, we have to chew it up … Read More

Who Moved My Pulpit – A book review

Who Moved My Pulpit is the latest offering from Thom Rainer, President and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources.  This book follows the same practical and easily read format as Dr. Rainer’s last four books to churches – Autopsy of a Deceased Church, I Am a Church Member, and I Will. Motivated by an email he … Read More