Encouragement for Struggling Believers

I know a lot of people experiencing difficult circumstances in their lives.  For some of them, their current situation is the latest in what seems an endless stream of misfortune and heartbreak.  For others, the heartbreak is fresh, but painful nonetheless.  Christians are not immune to struggling, in fact, it seems we experience more than our fair share sometimes.

struggling with life

Today, I want to offer some words of encouragement to those who are hurting, broken, disillusioned, and/or discouraged.  Let’s be sure to pray for one another regularly and encourage each other often.  Romans 8 provides for us 4 encouraging truths we need to remember in our times of struggling.

4 Truths to Know When Struggling

Our earthly suffering is incomparable to what awaits us in heaven.

This life’s struggles hurt so badly because this life is all we know.  As bad as earth life gets, heaven life will be reciprocally glorious.  People sometimes ask how a good God could allow such evil here on earth.  While we may never know the answers to all the “why” questions, we do know that the life that awaits us on the other side of eternity is far greater than the good we experience here and it will make this world’s suffering seem worthwhile.  Romans 8:18-25

When we can’t pray, the Holy Spirit prays for us

We find praying difficult in at least two ways.  First, sometimes we don’t know what or how to pray in a particular situation.  We are not sure what we should ask or expect in a situation and so we hold back on our prayers.

We also have difficulty praying when the pain of our circumstances leave us spiritual numb and unable to pray.  It’s not that we don’t believe in praying, we just can’t find the inner resources to utter a prayer. 

The good news is that when we feel we cannot lay hold of God, we can rest assured He is still holding on to us.  When we cannot pray or do not know what to pray, the Holy Spirit steps in and prays on our behalf.  Romans 8:26-27

God can and will use ALL circumstances in our lives for good

While God does not directly cause all things to happen, al things are subject to His sovereignty, and He makes everything work to fulfill His divine purposes.  We may never make sense of all that happens to us, and contrary to a popular expression, we may not understand it all when we get to heaven, but we can find assurance in the truth that God is in control and He can use even the worst of circumstances for His greater purpose. 

God’s ultimate goal for us is to remake us in the image of Christ.  Life’s circumstances act like buffers, sand papers, and chisels as God uses them to fashion us in Jesus’ likeness.  Romans 8:28-29

God’s love is unceasing.

Sometimes I think we fear our difficulty is an indicator that we have made God angry and that He no longer loves us.  Nothing could be further from the truth. Romans 8:35-39 stands as a clear reminder that none of life’s realities or circumstances can separate us from the love God has for us.

If you are in a season of struggling, trust what you know over what you feel.  Know that God is good and He is for you, so no one or no circumstance can ultimately be against you.  When you don’t feel like holding on, rest in the eternal grasp of our Sovereign.  He will come and save you. 

Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” – Isaiah 35:4