Searching for Answers in the Right Place

searching for answers“It was in the last place that I looked.”  Sadly, I have uttered that ridiculous statement more times than I care to admit.  Of course whatever I was looking for was in the last place I looked; only a complete idiot would keep searching after they found it…right?  Be careful how quickly you agree with rhetorical question. 

The answer to the literal question above is most certainly YES.  No one keeps looking for keys, glasses, a note, or whatever once they find it. When it comes to some of the more intangible things in life, however, often we search tirelessly when we already hold the answer in our hands…or more accurately, in our hearts. Consider God’s Word to His people through the prophet Amos:

“Seek me and live;
but do not seek Bethel,
and do not enter into Gilgal
or cross over to Beersheba;
for Gilgal shall surely go into exile,
and Bethel shall come to nothing.” – Amos 5:4-5

God’s people were looking for answers to their problems in all the wrong places, those here identified were Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba.  God called them to seek HIM.  God was the answer to their problems, but they continued to look everywhere but to Him.  It was as if they were looking for their keys while holding them in their hands.

Searching for Answers

We are as guilty as they; we are looking for meaning, purpose, solutions, money, happiness – the list could continue ad infinitum – in so many places.  We have our personal Bethels, Gilgals, and Beershebas.

Some look for answers in a job.  If they could land the right job at the right place, the income, prestige, network would place them in an advantageous position.

Some look for answers in a relationship.  If they could hook up with the right person then all of their emotional needs would be met and they could be happy.  If I knew the right people and had the right friends then everything would fall into place.

Some look for answers chemically.  They turn up a bottle or pop a pill to anesthetize the soul pain thinking that if they cannot feel it, then it must not exist.

Like the proverbial dangling carrot stick, money, possessions, toys, clothes, material things all advertise that they are the answers to our most deeply felt needs and desires.  So we embark on an endless pursuit only to find we are chasing an elusive goal.

Our nation searches for answers to hate, violence, terror, economic woes, and division.  Most look to a party or a politician, the White House, Capitol, or Supreme Court for answers.  The greatest answer even for our nation’s woes are not in our societal Bethels, Gilgals, and Beershebas.  The best of man’s answers are insufficient for today’s issues.  We need to hear from God.

The Answer to our Searching

For what are you searching today?  Peace? Security? Happiness? Fulfillment?  Where are you seeking them?  I have good news, the answer has been right there all along. In verse 4 of Amos 5, God lovingly appeals to us to seek HIM.  As part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His disciples how to find those answers.

Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Consider these three steps to find your answers in Jesus.


Most of the time, we ask the wrong questions of the wrong sources of knowledge.  Jesus encourages us to come to Him and we will find a never-ending source of perfect wisdom. He is ready to share that wisdom with all who come in faith asking Him. (James 1:5-8)


Where can you turn to find the answers to the questions you are asking?  You can Google it, but you can’t trust everything you read on the internet.  You can phone a friend, but we are all equally limited in our knowledge.  If we are looking for God’s answers, we can turn to His reliable Word, the Bible.  There is no substitute for intentional, regular Bible reading.  His Word is a lamp to our feet – to help us see where we are and what is around us – and a light to our path – to help us see the way to God. (Psalm 119:105)


Once we ask God for answers, and seek His Word for truth, we then put that truth in action by living obediently.  What good does it do us to know an answer if we never intend to believe or live in the light of that knowledge?  We may not see immediate results, but if we live in continued obedience we will begin to see the answers come to light in our lives. (Galatians 6:9)

All of the main verbs in Matthew 7:7 indicate ongoing action.  We did not develop the needs for which we seek answers overnight, and the solutions come only after some time asking, seeking, and knocking. Don’t give up easily.  Give yourself totally to the pursuit of God and you will find Him and His answers.

Let’s quit searching for our answers in the Bethels, Gilgals, and Beershebas of our lives and let’s seek God.  He promises He will be found if we seek after Him with all of our heart.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13