Sharable Friday

Just wanted to use the space today to share with you some of what I have read that has blessed me this week.  I hope these reads are a blessing to you as well.

Waiting Well – Tony Evans

The real problem isn’t the waiting – it’s what happens in our hearts while we wait.

For too many of us, waiting creates a downward spiral of impatience, frustration, selfishness and anger in our hearts. While waiting in line, we find flaws with the people in front of us.

And if this is how we respond to other people, what happens in our hearts when God makes us wait?

Click here to read the rest at Tony Evans’ blog


“God often hides His blessing in trouble or trial, which makes it all the sweeter when it comes our way.” AW Tozer


Seven Reasons Churches Are Too Busy – Thom Rainer

So how did churches get so busy? How did their calendars fill up so quickly that it left no breathing room for members and staff? There seems to be seven major contributing factors.

Click here to read those seven factors in the rest of Dr. Rainer’s blog.


forgive people


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