Shrinking Me

January is the most profitable month for fitness centers and other health related businesses. Many people flock to the gym to pursue their New Year’s resolution to rid themselves of the additions gained during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons.

Truth be told, though, there needs to be a lot less of me. Not just in weight, but in actions, attitudes, affections. One verse weighing heavily on my heart already this year is a very simple one, yet very convicting:

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

John’s disciples were beginning to feel a little threatened by Jesus’ new ministry that was on the rise. However, John had spent his entire ministry preparing for this time, and reminded his followers that now was the time for all of them to become Jesus’ followers. After all, it wasn’t about John, it was about Jesus.

I am still struggling to remind myself of a similar truth as well: it is not about Jim, it is about Jesus. If I am not careful, I fall into a deep “me” pit. I begin to view my life as if I am the central point.

These attitudes and all other selfish thoughts are as dangerous to the spiritual heart as cholesterol, triglycerides, and trans fats are to the physical heart. They weigh us down with excess spiritual fat and jeopardize our health.

The four most dangerous people in my life: I, me, my, and mine.

The fact remains – we cannot look inward and upward at the same time. How about you? Have you gotten spiritually fat and out shape from overindulgence in selfish pursuits and perspectives?

Resist the urge to be self-seeking, but rather seek nothing less than to please HIM with everything you do.

My New Year’s resolution for this year – MORE JESUS, less Jim. What about you?