When God Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary


I go to that store often.  Additionally, I wear that shirt regularly. Also, I speak to strangers politely as a rule.  But this one time when all three of those came together, God was at work.  At times God turns our ordinary extraordinary.

The First Ordinary

Mark and I became Facebook friends without knowing each other personally.  He was a bi-vocational pastor in Jacksonville, Florida.  He and his wife were members at the church I pastor years ago when God called him to preach.

Just a few months ago, Marks primary job relocated him back to the Middle Georgia area, and I invited him to church. One Sunday he and his wife came to renew old acquaintances and make new friends.  Ordinary people returning to an ordinary church.

I told Mark I would pray for him and help him find a new ministry any way I could.  I could not have imagined how God would use me to do that.

The Second Ordinary

I had been to visit a church member who was in an assisted living facility, something I ordinarily do.  As is ordinary when I plan to visit such facilities, I wore a shirt bearing our church logo.

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