Three Questions That Set Priorities

How do you decide what you decide?  What goes through your mind as you determine what needs to be done or how you should feel about a certain matter?  Is there a framework that shapes who we are?  Is there a matrix through which design and order our days?  

Yes.  It’s called PRIORITIES.  We think, say, and do according to what we believe are the most important things.  Our priorities will determine, in large part, if we will live intentionally. The question then become how do we set our priorities?  How do we determine what is important?

For some, the goal is to make others happy, so they prioritize those things they believe will please the object of their desire.  For others, the goal is to make oneself happy, so they go about doing what they want to do.  Some set goals for achievement that they deem worthy and order their lives in such a way as to accomplish those goals.

For the believer in Jesus, the only way to be truly successful is to make it our aim to please God (2 Corinthians 5:9). In the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7, Jesus sets forth what successful Kingdom living looks like.  In Chapter 6, we find three important questions that help us determine Kingdom priorities that will please God.  Constantly asking ourselves and evaluating our lives by these three questions will help us be able to focus on what is truly important in our lives according to God’s perspective.

Question 1 – Where is my HEART? (6:19-21).  Does my heart gravitate toward earthly pursuits or do I first think of the eternal significance of my life and actions?  Paul encourages us to set our minds on things above (Col 3:1-4).  The most important things are those that have an effect for all of eternity.

Question 2 – Whom do I SERVE?  (6:24) We choose each day between two worldviews – secular or Kingdom.  We seek please one of two masters – flesh or God. The word Jesus uses is “devoted.”  Am I sold out totally to Jesus?  Do I seek to please only Him?  The most important things are those that most bring glory to Him.

Question 3 – What am I SEEKING? (6:31-34)  All to often we establish priorities based on self-preservation.  We want to get through this life as comfortably as possible and our priorities reflect that goal.  The Kingdom mindset is free to focus on the Kingdom of God FIRST and foremost because it recognizes that God takes care of those who focus on Him.

Think through these three questions.  Regularly evaluate your goals and priorities according to Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, and you will see a change in your priorities.