When God Delays

At some point, I would like to calculate over the course of several months how much time I spend waiting during an average day.  Traffic lights, on hold on the telephone, in line at the store, in the drive-through at a fast food joint, and a seemingly million other ways I am forced to wait.  I am not a patient waiter.

I have to admit, that in weak moments, I even get impatient with God. I expect God to immediately grant all my requests in the manner I asked Him to grant them, and when He doesn’t do so, I am tested. Recently I have some issues for which I have been praying and have yet to see God move.  As I prayed complained to God one recent morning, He reminded me of a truth I needed to remember.

I say that I believe in that God is all-knowing and that He knows best.  I say that I believe that God is all-powerful and is able to do ALL that He deems good and best.  I say that I believe in God’s providence and that He has planned my life for His glory and my good.  I say I believe those truths, but when I get impatient with God I act as though I don’t believe them.

Well meaning people console us in our times of waiting by reminding us that “God’s delays” are not necessarily His denials, but there are no such things as God’s delays – His timing is always perfect.  He is an on-time God.  What seem like delays – those times which tempt me to grow impatient – are only delays from my vantage point, not God’s.  He is purposefully working out His plan, His way, on His time, positioning my life and my circumstances for His glory.

I can relax, live in the moment and trust my future to an all-wise, all-powerful, on-time God.  He has my life on track.  You can trust Him too.  Wait. Rest. Trust. Believe. 

My times are in your hand… Psalm 31:15