In my last blog, I wrote about the thoughts I have been having after my 59th birthday. (You can go back and read it by clicking here.) As I mentioned in that blog, my dad died at 73. If I life the same life span as he, I have about 14 years left. I hope I live a lot more years than that, but in reality, I’m not even promised that many. To put it in baseball terms, this is the seventh inning stretch. It’s time to get serious about some things.
God has been very good to me in all my life. I was raised by loving parents in a good Christian home. I attended a solid Bible-teaching church and received a good education at a Christian school. By God’s grace, I married a wonderful and beautiful (and incredibly patient) wife and have an awesome daughter. I’ve been blessed to spend my life serving God by leading and teaching His people. Even if my life ended today, I would have no complaints. God has given me more than I deserve.
However, though thankful for all God has done, my passion is to live the rest of my life finishing strong.
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