Theology Is Critical for EVERY Believer


I believe the world is in such a mess because the Church is in such a mess.  And the church is such a mess because we have abandoned teaching theology.  A 2022 study by LifeWay and Ligonier Ministries revealed some shocking misbelief among those who identify themselves as Christians.  A recent article from LifeWay Research written by Jen Wilkin and J.T. English highlights four very troubling findings concerning some dangerous misbeliefs. (You can read the entire article by clicking here.)

  • God learns and adapts to different circumstances: 48% of evangelicals agree.
  • Everyone is born innocent in the eyes of God: 65%of evangelicals agree.
  • God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam: 56% of evangelicals agree.
  • Jesus was a great teacher, but He was not God: 43% of evangelicals agree (up from 30% in 2020).

The high agreement cited in the above statements are from evangelicals.  One of the major tenets of evangelicalism is the belief that the Bible is God’s Word and authoritative.  Yet, high percentages believe truth contradictory to the teaching of the Bible.

The Why of Theology

Many believers wrongly assume that the study of theology is for the seminary classroom and not the church. Most would say that everything is ok so long as we are living like we are supposed to live.  Such an attitude fails to understand that ultimately, we behave what we believe.  Behavior guided by wrong belief will yield wrong behavior.  And the sad part is that those who feel that way have no theological reference point to expose their wrong behavior.  They don’t KNOW they are behaving wrong because that do not Biblically understand the basis for what is right.

The Old Testament describes the situation towards the latter time of the Judges.

In those days there was no king in Israel. 
Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Judges 21:25

That description fits not only our secular culture today, but also the perspective of many believers.  They just do what they think is the right thing based loosely on sermons and lessons of bygone years.  They never consider the possibility that they misremember those lessons. And they certainly would never entertain the idea that maybe those teachers were not “rightly dividing” God’s Word. 

A second factor in erroneous beliefs like those mentioned above is the influence of our modern culture.  Over time, we hear the secular message so much it filters into our thinking.  The cultural pushback against those who stand for truth often results in others capitulating to culture.  Going along to get along.  Not rocking the boat.  Misapplying “judge not.”

We desperately need to recapture the teaching of theology in our churches.

How Can We Reintroduce Theology in Church?

Allow me to suggest three ways we can begin to reintroduce sound theological study to our churches.

First, teach the redemptive narrative of the Bible.  The Bible is a unified story of God’s activity through His creation, man’s fall, and His redemption and restoration.  Begin teaching this among the youngest of our children, through our youth groups, and reinforced through our adult members.  In the past, we have taught them how they ought to act and what they ought to believe.  But we never showed them why that teaching was both true and important.  The WHY of theology grounds in our hearts in the character, nature, and ways of God.

Second, preach Christ in every sermon.  Colossians 2:3 teaches is that “…in [Christ] are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”  We can show how every promise in God’s Word is rooted in the finished work of Christ.  The grace of God demonstrated on the cross covers every pockmarked scar of sin in our lives.  

Theology is essentially the study of God.  We see God’s attributes in the work of His Son Jesus.  Because God is holy, just, and righteous, He punished sin on the cross.  Because God is loving, merciful, and gracious, He provided forgiveness on the cross.  We can are convinced of God’s goodness to us by looking at the cross.

Finally, teach people to study the Bible for themselves.  Christians – like hatchling birds – have long been fed regurgitated teaching from various Bible teachers and book authors.  God has revealed Himself to all flesh in His Word.  Healthy, sound believers will fill a church that teaches its congregation to hear from God for themselves systematically.

A Ripple Effect

As Christians begin to accurately know the truth about God, His Spirit will guide our behavior.  Then as our behavior is more Spirit-led, we will fulfill our roles as salt and light in our community.