The Most Difficult Question to Ask

To me, we often overlook one of the most fascinating events in Jesus’ last Passover meal with His disciples. When He announces that one them would soon betray Him, each one takes a turn to ask, “Is it I?” These men who had walked closely with Jesus for the last three years recognized their potential to fail Him. Of all the questions they had asked Jesus, this was the most difficult question they could ask. (Matthew 26:20-25)

Are you willing to ask yourself the hard questions? Do we see the potential we all have for royally messing things up?   Some of us need a reminder that we are not always right. No matter how passionately we may feel about something, we are still fallen humans in need of God’s grace. 

Judas was the ultimate failure. But in reality, all failed Jesus except John. They all abandoned Him at the cross except John.  The good news is that Jesus showed grace to all of them when they returned to Him and believed. Peter, who denied Jesus three times in one night, found grace.

Our glorious God is the only one whose opinion of us matters. The good news is that God has accepted those who put their faith in Christ. Our acceptance is not based on our rightness but Jesus’ righteousness.

Don’t get me wrong.  We should try to be right, especially about the Word of God.  But we have to stop the charade of trying to prove ourselves to others.  Or God.  Our even ourselves.  Your worth and value is not in your “rightness,” but who you are in Christ.  

Be willing to honestly self-evaluate. Don’t shy away from asking yourself if YOU are wrong. It is a difficult question, but a necessary one. Check you attitude for arrogance. Then, go easy on those who see things a little differently than you do. You never know – they may actually be right.

difficult question