Mental Metabolism – Like Breakfast for Your Mind

mental metabolism

Nutritionists will tell you that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Eating the right kind of breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and prepares your body for the day ahead. The wrong kind of breakfast may satisfy in the short-term, but quickly looses its effect and leaves your body sluggish. Wednesday, we determined that … Read More

How to Deal with Toxic People and Negativity

toxic people

On March 10, 2011, an earthquake off the coast of Japan set off a series of disastrous events. When the earthquake occurred, Tokyo Electric Power Company shut down the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Three days later, flooding caused by a tsunami spawned by the earthquake knocked out power to the plant. Without … Read More

Why WE Need to Extend Forgiveness


Have you ever just had a bad day? You know what I mean. You misjudged someone.  Maybe you said (or did) something you wish you hadn’t. Possibly you upset someone before you realized you had. Or maybe your bad day consisted of one colossal mistake. Or it could be a collection of smaller ones. As a … Read More

Protecting Your Marriage Like Mike and Karen Pence

protecting marriage

Last week, The Washington Post published an article about Karen Pence, wife of Vice-President Mike Pence.  You can read the very interesting article, written by Ashley Parker, by clicking on this link. The article describes the important role Mrs. Pence plays in her husband’s life. Although it  contains 1931 words, this single sentence of 33 … Read More

Lessons I Learned from Watching a Controlled Burn

controlled burn

We once lived across the road from a hayfield. I love to watch the mowers, rakes, and balers. I love the smell of freshly cut hay. It would be OK with me if when the time comes I am so old no church wants to hear me preach, that I could retire to my own hay … Read More

You May Be Suffering from Spiritual Dehydration

spiritual dehydration

Many of us suffer from chronic dehydration and never realize it. We do not drink enough water. Some of the signs of chronic dehydration include: Fatigue Loss of mental alertness Digestive disorders Arthritis, gout, and other joint/osteo issues Urinary tract problems Blood sugar imbalance Maybe we could change that if we substituted water for the … Read More

Avoiding the Spiritual Germ of Negativity

spiritual germ

Lot’s of people are coughing and wheezing these days, and many of them are contagious. It is amazing that something so microbial that it is unseen can bring an otherwise functioning person to a grinding halt. So far, I’ve managed to remain germ-free.  I have taken my vitamins, eaten lots of yogurt, and washed my … Read More

3 Reasons to Forgive Your Enemies

Forgive Your Enemies

God has a way of using man’s evil intentions for His good and glory. Jesus spoke a word of forgiveness to those mean souls who meant to destroy Him and annihilate Him. They wanted Him gone, and thought that now they had finally accomplished that feat. Surely His death would be the end of Him and His … Read More

Seven Choices for a Better 2017

choices for the new year

I am a product of the first generation of video game kids. The video games we played in my youth were very primitive compared to the sophisticated high-tech games kids play today. Our game choices, nonetheless, challenged us and entertained us for hours. For a flashback example, click here to watch a YouTube video of … Read More

4 Ways to Shine the Light of Jesus

Shine the Light of Jesus

Sometimes, we are guilty of asking God to do things He has commanded us to do. That truth hit home in my mind a few weeks ago as we sang a song in church titled “Shine, Jesus, Shine.” “Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory, Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on … Read More